What about Astrology?
I recently saw an Astrology chart posted by a friend of mine on Facebook... Got me thinking a bit... It seems some people still believe in this stuff and actually think it affects peoples personality...
Have scientific studies been done on this, to check and see if personality traits are actually linked to the stars?
Yup, studies have been done... Guess what they determined?
That Astrology is Bullsh*t...
Ok, this isn't actually an x-ray of my ribs, but I was close to getting an x-ray today... Ugh, fell awkwardly last weekend player soccer, I'd been taking it easy since, but played with the family again yesterday and yikes, they've flared up something fierce.
Went to the walk-in clinic, the doc checked me out and figures it's either a slight hairline fracture or just bruising to the muscle in between the ribs... Said that I could get an xray just so I'd know, but there's nothing you can do for it, just rest... Figures it should take two to three weeks to heal....
Jack & George's Birthday Party Sleepover
Well we have a pretty cool party for the kids, it's just wrapped up and we've sent them packing...
Both Jack and George invited 4 friends over, they arrived at about 6:00pm last night.
We started with some games, then Pizza, Presents & Cake, then a movie out in the sunroom using a data projector.
10:00pm and we cranked up a great campfire, did some marshmallows and running around with flashlights.
Campfires in the backyard can't compete w/ XBOX Karaoke, then around Midnight I hauled them out into their tents (we set up 3 tents in the backyard), they crammed into the tents w/ sleeping bags and pillows, and by about 1:30am it finally got quiet...
They were up again around 6:30am and back onto the video games. We did a little soccer game around 8:30am, then breakfast, packing up and more video games...
They were all picked up around 11:00am this morning...
Friday afternoon laugh...
Catching Up...
Haven't posted in a long time, which means I've been busy, busy, busy... I do quite a bit of communication up on facebook now, it's such a great platform, but I will try to get back to blogging regularly, certainly lots to talk about.
MusicI've discovered some new bands recently, some really great music...
Art Brut - English indie band - Great witty lyrics and catchy music, I'd say if you like Artic Monkeys' you'd like this - not as punky as the Monkeys, but some similar lyrical content.
Interpol, Bloc Party, Editors, the Bravery - If you like She Wants Revenge, you might like these bands, they are mostly 80's inspired, sort of alt-rock bands
Also - new albums from Chemical Brothers, Korn, Smashing Pumpkings, White Stripes, all good and worth a listen...
TripsI've done a bit of traveling - I was down to Portsmouth New Hampshire in August, visited the Portsmouth Brewing Company Brewpub, excellent beer... Then was over in Newcastle for a day early september, saw the Toon beat Wigan 1-0. In Lucerne, Switzerland for a 3-day IT Meeting, and home again.
FoodStill maintaining a semi-vegetarian lifestyle - I probably eat meat about once or twice a month, typically a wild craving... Had a sausage roll in Newcastle, and some Chicken Wings on Monday night :) I think I'm Ok with that... I think if you really ask yourself, if it worth trying to 100% vegetarian, it's tough to justify the inconvenience and the missing out on meat - the odd time that you REALLY do crave/desire it. I mean, if EVERYONE were to adopt a 95% vegetarian diet, that would solve all the issues of factory farming, etc, etc, that extra 5% really isn't the issue, it's the eating meat 2-3 times a day when there are really easy alternatives I think is the bigger thing... Of course I'm just trying to justify my own behaviour, but it is something I've thought alot about.
XBOX 360Almost bought a 360 the other day - went to Factory Direct, a big PC & Electronics refurb-type place, anyhow, they had a deal on, the Premium system for $269, I went to get it, they had 1 left in stock - the unit in the display case, the guy goes to boot it up...
red ring of death - so I walked out... Ah well, I'll end up w/ one eventually...
Nike+If you're into jogging / fitness / technology - check this out - very cool little system - it involves some hardware - a gadget that plugs into your iPod Nano, another bit that goes in your shoe, and some software & a website that you can use to track your running, sort of a pedometer x 100! check it -
http://www.apple.com/ipod/nike/That's all for now...