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Wonderful news... 5 days left til we leave on our holiday and I read that Health Canada has issued an advisory regarding 2 cases of MALARIA from the Dominican Republic!
Isn't that lovely? I'm sure there's like a 1-in-a-million chance, but the way our luck has been going with this trip, nothing would suprise me... So I guess we've off to get prescriptions, we'll get some medicine, and go heavy on the DEET...
WAAAH! It's just not fair, I'm telling you! Like, we're supposed to be looking forward to sipping fancy drinks, not fearing for our lives... I know I'm being a spoiled brat, but really... This sucks... Malaria, gimme a break... You'd think we were heading for the jungles of deepest darkest Africa... Perhaps a really high blood alcohol level will scare the Mosquitos away! I don't really know if there is such a thing as "Mosquito Season" in the Dominican, this seems to be a question Jeeves doesn't know...
Apparently the Beer they have on tap at the resort is Presidente, I expect it'll be yellow fizzy stuff, hopefully it isn't too foul as it's nice to have some variety... It averages 1.94/5 on Ratebeer, that's not a good sign, but hey, I'm not going for the beer right, right...
I think a lot. Some people say I think too much... However, I don't want to be seen as being aloof or pretentious, it's just that I really enjoy philosophical questions and deep thoughts. That's not to say that I don't find pleasure in more down-to-earth or trivial things, like beer and soccer :) I'm happily married with 3 wonderful children. I'm a partner in a technology services company based in Toronto. Myers Briggs says I'm an ENTJ